Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Live Breathe Flights.

"Those moments in which all around you has a good taste and you live, breathe, flights. Feeling alive always, this is my lifestyle." (Ebro)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Illusions and dreams

"Le illusioni lasciatele stare, sono cose da artista. Voi occupatevi dei sogni" (Ebro) 
Self-portrait of Ebro - 2017

Animal spirit

"The extinct man survives in the animal spirit" (Ebro)
Self-portrait of Ebro - 2017

IN normal OUT normal

Solo chi conosce perfettamente la propria follia e sa di essere irrimediabilmente pazzo può fare il primo passo sicuro sul sentiero della saggezza 
(Pic by Ebro from CaixaForum Madrid)

Artists ...

Artists don't have boundaries. Do whatever the fuck you want. 
(pic by Ebro)

The difference

"The sun makes the difference, iron is iron" (Ebro)
thought and pic by Ebro - 2012