Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The boundaries of art

In my opinion this is an unconscious installation of contemporary art on the theme of overcrowding. (Ebro)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ebro and its the first experimental research of digital images 1996 - 2002 - (part 4)

 Experiments on digital light

"Two planes"
Digital light - Ebro 1996 - 2002

"Vibrant planes "
Digital light - Ebro 1996 - 2002

Ebro and its the first experimental research of digital images 1996 - 2002 - (part 3)

Experiments on digital sculpture

"Angelo reticolato"
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

Ebro and its the first experimental research of digital images 1996 - 2002 - (part 2)

Experiments on digital sculpture

"Fying baby" 
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

"Flying flowers"
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

"A flower" 
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

Ebro and its the first experimental research of digital images 1996 - 2002 - (part 1)

Experiments on digital sculpture

Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

"Human and not-human" 
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

"Figure with child"
Digital sculpture - Ebro 1996 - 2002

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Today my page .....

Oggi la mia pagina è "spenta" come le anime innocenti 

uccise dalla miseria umana.

Today my page is "turned off" as the innocent souls killed by 

human misery.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Li Hongbo

L' Artista cinese Li Hongbo: e le sue Opere di carta.

Un maestro della scultura e un cultore della carta, affascinanto dall’esperienza del movimento e dall’evoluzione delle forme: perchè le sue raffinatissime creature – che siano copie di antiche statue, iperrealistiche figure conteporanee, nature morte o installazioni astratte – sono tutte pensate per essere scomposte, allungate, modificate. 

Le Opere dell' Artista Pechinese sembrano di gesso, ma in realtà sono realizzate pressando e incollando centinaia e centinaia di fogli di carta. Per fare un busto in media ne servono 5000

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Midburn 2015 by Ku-Sumo Camp

Crashed Spaceship in the Desert  Bring Space to Burning Man

The theme this year will center around Ku-Sumo IN SPACE! Our main project will be building a huge spaceship that crash landed into the desert. It will include smoke coming out of still active engines, our very own space bar with glow-in-the-dark cocktails and even live human experiments. The spaceship structure is built around a 23ft diameter 2V dome structure. We’ll build the rest of the necessary flying saucer shape out of steel pipes and cover everything with a nice shiny layer of mylar fabric by day, and lots of LEDs by night - a beacon to all our friends and family in the galaxy! We plan on keeping the interior chilly by using solar powered evaporative coolers which are based on the FIGJAM design used extensively at Burning Man. Other projects include a teleportation station, an upgraded extraterrestrial “dragon” and obviously - astronaut sumo fights.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ebro - Project for installation

Ebro - Project for installation - 1992

Alda Merini

"Se l' arte è una dura sostanza,
percorrila in silenzio.
Non troverai alcun uomo
in fondo ad aspettarti.
Nè troverai l' ulivo della tua pace migliore.
Se l' arte è profonda
come tua madre,
ascoltala in silenzio:
è lì che si muore." 

(Alda Merini)